Saturday, March 14, 2009

Part 20 A week with homeschoolers

Part 20 Almost morning light escape
Most of them tossed and turned. Many of the couples got together and the men hugged and the women sobbed. It was hard indeed to see the happy group suddenly being so transformed. Probably the major feeling was shock. These situations only happened in horror flicks, zombie movies. These weren’t Zombies… they were people, but they were sleeping now. They needed sleep too, they needed to eat from what they saw. They did eat a lot too. Go figure, most of them were guys. It was going to be interesting to say the least. Chris was staying up all night until he found a solution. It really puzzled him but at last at 4 in the morning he found an answer. See all along he had been trying to brute force it, but he had forgotten a cardinal rule, if you can’t go through go around. How do you go around a mirror? You can’t, but you can angle it. Bounce it off… Chris knew the location of every cell tower in the US and Canada. He figured if he could get to a tower he could angle it and point at the mirror at a 45 degree angle, then you can rebound it off the earth and have enough of a signal to correspond with a satellite, then a simple 911 works. But they didn’t need to do much really, just hop in one of the vehicles and get on out of the town.
With sunshine came reprieve. The beasts hated the bright light from above. They weren’t really beasts I guess. They were humans at one point I guess. Sara had been puzzling her head all into a bother about it. She just couldn’t figure it out. They were humans, she even recognized some of them she had seen before by their clothes. Or by what was left of their clothes. They were hunched over in the shadow of the trees snoring. Of course they would snore. Most of them were men, or had been men. Some girls would claim that the beasts were just normal men anyways, just more guttural and violent than normal. Then it happened. The guys went and checked the vehicles.. and none of them worked. Every single spark plug in every vehicle was gone. Could the beasts be that clever? Is it possible that they retained some mental capacity? But they were utter primeval. They couldn’t have opened the locked cars and sprung the hoods taken out the spark plugs, and then closed and locked everything back up. Someone out of the group had to have done this as a practical joke. It sure wasn’t funny anymore. Who did this?
Shock registered on the guys faces. Chad spoke up, “Dude, what idiot stole the spark plugs!?! If you don’t give them back, you are so dead.” Ben snickered sarcastically, “Dude, if we don’t find the spark plugs we are all dead.”
Elisabeth and Kim noticed all the expressions. Chad was frustrated, Chris was puzzled, no duh, it didn’t make logical excuse. Matt and Jay were puzzled, and Michael was angry. Ben had this look, of utter darkness that if you looked really deeply into, you would swear you saw hell inside. Hell is being alone with only your memories to keep you company, and they aren’t the pleasant ones, they are your mistakes the things you wish you could take back. And you are forever alone.
Michael spoke up. “What if it was one of the others? We’d never find it then.”
Chris spoke up logically.”We don’t even know if it was one of us. We aren’t going to get it fixed by arguing over it. Anybody got any extra sparkplugs?”
Elisabeth ducked her head and frantically dug in her purse. She promptly pulled out 6 spark plugs. “Will these work?”


  1. Hmmmm....
    *wonders why Elisabeth has so many spark plugs*
    Vera mysterious! :-D

  2. Lol @ what Chad said about killing whoever stole the spark plugs.

  3. ^ same! That's hilarious! And Elisabeth is so smart... ;)

    *waits eagerly for part 21*
