Sunday, September 20, 2009


Straining every moral fibre
for to rest is to slip
a slip is a fall-a failure
around my tired frame fallen brothers
ones left behind in their Sisyphean
challenge to fail alone emboldened
by fear I press on

Everyday I am the same
Will I ever change or
will I stay this way
another Sisyphus pushing uphill

Exhausted I strain bleeding
for each forward step I take
this burden I push growing
heavier each moment-others
stop to help-or so saying
they state encouragement or
help push a little then moving
uphill I go faster-often my
brothers 'side me climbing
on my burden casting

Everyday I am the same
Will I ever change or
will I stay this way
another Sisyphus pushing uphill

I push on-giving my all
stubbornly, angrily, frustrated
wanting to give up why is this
so hard-jaded-I believe my fate
not realizing my problem all
along is me finally I acknowledge
the need for His help not for
more strength but for Him to
take this burden away

Everyday I am the same
Will I ever change or
will I stay this way
another Sisyphus pushing uphill

Stopping-gasping for air wondering
where He is-seeing Him where
He has been all this time-here
falling to my knees-almost crushed
by this mammoth burden crying out not
for strength but for deliverance
He reaches out with one hand-grasping
my burden so effortlessly-His other
hand-so strong-so gentle-lifting
me from my battered knees-at
His touch my burden shrinks
to nothing-wiping away my blood
tears and sweat then leading
me up the hill we go

Everyday I am the same
I am changed I am in His
way casting all cares on Him
running uphill-Sisyphus no longer

copyrighted all rights reserved


  1. Wow! that's really good! I hope that I am not one of those people that you talk about adding to your burden and judging you.

  2. Wow, that is fantastic.

  3. exactly what Rebecca said! I hope I don't add to your burdens, but encourage you and be there for you.
    its really great, Ben.

  4. Awesome piece! You should write more like it! :D Though I don't know what "copyrighted" has to do with it all...unless you're saying that God has us all copyrighted?? ;)

  5. Nice, Ben. I enjoy the rhythm of the piece. It really adds a lot of depth and keeps it more clear. I also feel that it allows the message of the piece to show through a little stronger. What a message! One that we need to get in our hearts. God IS our strength. When we go it alone, we only make a mess of our lives. Our reliance needs to be on Him and His strength. Thanks for the beautifully-worded reminder!
