Monday, May 4, 2009

Spain day 17

Today was very interesting.. I don't think I quite understood everything.. but we had the Americans here and we painted the church. It was so much fun being with people who spoke english. They are so much fun. There was also some Spanish men working there too so I got to pick up some more Spanish. After we got done with the sanctuary they all left and I went on a prayer walk. I got lost... and turned around and stuff but I made it back. Then I went with Sabrina and Kirsten to the park.. and played with them. I got worn out fast. Then we all went out with a visiting American from Belfast for coffee. It's amazing to see the look on the americans face when I they come in and we all say "Hola, Coma estoy?" and they (like me) struggle to say hello, then they hear me say "Howdy Y'all". It's so much fun. While we were there talking a homless man showed up and just started talking with us. He told us his whole life story. He was from Palestine.. lost his family due to a war. He showed us the pictures and cried. He was not saved and we tried to share the gospel but he was very very drunk. It's so sad to see this.. People who have given up on life, yet who are so lonely. He didn't even know where he was going to sleep that night but he was so lonely. It's not just here that people are like that.. there are the homeless among us who need just random acts of kindness. Let us show them more.


  1. Bet it kinda like a fresh breath of air to be able to have some complete English speaking people around! :)

    Think maybe you need some greens, Giant. Its not good that you get worn out so quickly! :P

    I love that word.... Y'all! Its so cool!

    I will be praying for the seed you planted in that homeless man to take root and grow.
    I once heard a quote that said something like give everyone you meet a smile because you don't know what they are going through. I try to live my life through as many random acts of kindness as I can to help others. Just like Christ! :)
    Praying for ya, Ben!

  2. Hola, cómo estás?

    you said, "hi, I eat"

    lol... that's pretty rude.

  3. :P, I didn't spell it right Naomi. And Clarification Manda... It was more others sharing than me.
