Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spain day 8

Today I worked with Sabrina on school until she finished, then we went down to Matadepera, however all the stores were closed... even though it was 2-3 in the afternoon. the hours for work here is like 10-2 then 5-8 at night. And the construction for the roads happen at night so it's kinda cool. At 6:30ish we left for a Christian cell party. A bunch of believers gets together every week and invites unsaved couples there. we sang alot of songs.. in Spanish. I can sing it just find if it's written on the screen. I played futball with the kids.. I beat 2 six yearolds.. aren't I special? :D, ok I did let them win once. Three of the men there were futball players, pros. One of the guys was a robotics engineer. Don't ask me to spell their names. but a good deal of them spoke english so it was really nice. They really have a fire for God and they seek Him. It's not always easy though.. yah and we didn't leave until 1 in the morning! and that's when people really started getting hyper... I think they were having some type of coffee addiction. It's really worth observing in greater detail...
May God use us all


  1. I bet your aunt is so grateful for your help with the gals' schooling. You are doing some great things over there Ben... don't forget that.

    Glad you got to play futball... even if you were beating up little kids. jk. I played frisbee with my siblings last night. It was fun even if I didn't get to throw the frisbee too much cause they wanted it..

    coffee sounds good right now... an iced coffee with a bunch of caffeine in it...
    ditto on your last line too... I know he is using you.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy day.
    I am really enjoying hearing about your trip in Spain!
